Tag Archives: wine

friday favourite – wine in a box

I used to make fun of people who drank box wine. Silly me. Now I quite enjoy the easy opening, non-breakable vessel! I have even been known to bring it to someone as a house gift. Kind’ve like if I’m going to do it, I’m taking you with me! I’ve been enjoying these two as recommended by my favourite local shop, Ed Hyder’s Mediterranean Marketplace.


Pretty colours, right!? Perfect for a friday favourite!



borrowing beauty

I’ve worked in advertising and marketing for a long time…and you learn that there are very few truly new ideas. A different spin. A different angle. Some little thing to make it a new”er” idea. And since imitation is a great form of flattery, we were thinking about the beautiful ideas we borrow to find inspiration – for pottery designs, dinner and for our sketchbooks.

Wine labels are a great source of sketching ideas. Last summer I found an Australian white Summer Shack that had a playful, relaxed label with a line up of beach houses. Kind of the way they want you to feel after a glass or two:-). We turned those houses into sketching subjects, and notecards.

summer shack

Here are some recently spotted labels that we’ll be lining up to draw.

What inspires you?