Monthly Archives: April 2018


Over the last few years, we’ve written about sketching a few times. We discovered Sketchbook Skool in 2015 and have been practicing ever since – watercolour, lettering, quieting down the art critic in our heads and working at a creative habit.

I recently started another course called Seeing. It might be the fourth one I have started (before finishing the other three…but that’s not important!).

And the course has partially coincided with the last spring snow/ice pellet/freezing rain storm. With nearly three days mostly spent indoors – and having had my fill of Netflix – I settled in to watching the online videos for this course.

Seeing sounds kind of simple. Ha. The practice of sketching something by really looking at it – including selfies in the mirror! – is about slowing down. Looking closely. Staring at it. And I found it brought a similar feeling to the yoga I’ve been practicing  for years. Be present. Slow down. Really look. Don’t assume. And breathe…


friday favourite – packing cube follow-up

I love them! We arrived in the Azores, I opened my suitcase to three neatly packed cubes, and then some other stuff squished around them. I really liked how it helped me think about what to bring and get organized before we left.

When I was packing my things to go home, I wasn’t as motivated to neatly fold my shirts into their cube so I shoved things in. Plus on the return trip I usually wrap the small pottery bowls I invariably buy in my soft t-shirts.


At the last minute, I tucked the Aeropress coffee maker between two packing cubes in my suitcase. Smart idea! The house we rented only had a large espresso pot. With two decaf and four high-test coffee drinkers in the house, the aeropress allowed everyone to make their own fresh cup, at the strength they liked, whenever they liked. If you don’t own one, pick one up, it even comes with a travel case!

And in case you are curious, the Azores were amazing…hiking, fresh fish, inexpensive good wine and incredible scenery! I’ll have more information and photos on my travel blog shortly.



airport shopping

HAR and I were in the same city for three days recently. What a treat! We talked about blog  ideas, trips we want to take, we shopped and somehow got on the topic of what we like to buy at airports when we are on the road to somewhere.

I could have three books in my carryover – wishful thinking of how I might spend some time on the plane or wherever I’m headed – and yet, I love buying a book at the airport. I don’t know what it is. There are rarely new titles that I’ve never seen before or couldn’t buy at home, or take out of the local library. But I’m drawn to the stacked stashes of new releases. And it’s not like it’s a bargain. But there I am, shelling out holiday cash to pick up a new paperback along with a side of gum and maybe a roll of fruit mentos for plane nibbling.

For HAR, it’s reading glasses. She’s got a pair in every room, every bag, in the car and then some.

Do you have airport purchase habits?


friday favourite – packing cubes

I am always looking for ways to make my travel more streamlined.

I use a clear carry-on kit from Flight 001 that makes it really easy to find my liquids and gels in my bag and get through security at the airport.

I have a clear zipper pouch from the drugstore that I use for all my charging cables.

And now, I have packing cubes!

A fellow traveler introduced me to them as a way to keep her clothing organized.  I met her on my recent safari trip to Botswana where we had to use a soft-sided bag because they needed to be able to squish our luggage into a small airplane! The packing cubes kept the contents of her bag slightly more protected and made unpacking much easier.

On my recent trip to Guelph, CJR and I were browsing the local travel store and saw Eagle Creek packing cubes on display. We each bought the medium cubes, they only weigh 1 oz each and are made of a poly micro-weave mesh. They have a handle on top, are water repellent and washable. What more could you ask for?!

I am heading to the Azores and I’m excited to give the bags a test run. I’ll let you know if they live up to my expectations!